Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gold-snouted muffins

The words from your mouth come out,
like precious muffins with a golden snout.
Every single one well chosen and well cared for.
Oh your muffins how I adore!

Man of abstracts

You love ideas.
You love perfection.
Day in, day out
you stay informed without exception.

Wrapped up in your exquisite solitude you sit and contemplate.
Not even a single glance may I await.
I guess your thoughts must be of great importance.
You always know better. You know what to do.
Really, where would the world have been if it hadn't been for you?!

It's only natural that you shouldn't be bothered by someone as simple as me.
What else could I expect? How silly of me!
No one is ever good enough for you.
Bores, idiots, rascals.
Shapeless lumps of flesh.

Humans are scum.
And life a tasteless gum.
You say the world is a bottomless well.
Yet it is you who brought me here to dwell.

Who hides behind that cold facade?
Hurt pride?
A helpless child?
An insecure male?
An arrogant drone?
So I beg you, answer me:
Is that you I see?

But no, you won't answer. You wont let me through.
You wanted this more than I,
Yet now I am someone you don't want to be bothered by.

Where is the man who used to smile at me admiringly?

Closed to reality you'd rather not be here.
You've seen it all, you know it all.
Nothing is worth a tear.

Safe in your universe of thoughts,
You create,
You destroy.
You know,
You master,
You deploy.

Lulled by the bittersweet illusion of power you drift up high.
High above the merciless world that swallows your cry.
No nobody among other bodies anymore.
You are above it all.

"But wait ", you say, "who is that pulling on my robe?"
You feel awkward. Something broke.
"What does this little girl want me to do?"
Really, how could this have been meant for you?!
"A pat on her head and she should be content.
Then quickly, I can again ascend!"

Ideals, convictions, pride.
You've got it all.
Yet your grand gestures conceal your biggest flaw.
You lack sincere interest.
You lack an open heart.
Or maybe you just can't tell love and apathy apart.
The smallest effort has always been too big for you.
Investing yourself is unheard to you.

You wanted this more than I, and now I am here.
So why won't you come? Is it so ghastly down here?
Slowly I start to see: my situation is no mystery.
The world is cruel indeed.
Here no one hears my cry.
I see why it is better up high in the sky.

So I have packed my bags and I'm ready to go.
But who is that knocking on my door?
A little boy,
Smiling so bright.
With arms wide open,
Trying to spark up my dim light.

He is ready to share his world with mine.

Do I jump on? Do I let go?
Do I pat on his head or do I open the door?

Today I must tell you: I won't act like you.
Too bad you won't have a daughter resembling you.